Kyle Anderson, charged with allowing dogs to run at large (guilty plea as charged).
Nesya Chanan, charged with failure to appear (guilty plea as charged).
Stacey Coats, charged with probation violation, attempted possession of prohibited weapons, harassment, and disorderly conduct (guilty plea as charged)
Aaron Holloway, charged with manufacturing, delivery, sell, and possession of schedule II drugs, possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities (retired), manufacturing, delivery, sell and possession of schedule IV drugs (guilty plea of a lesser charge), and theft of merchandise- shoplifting (guilty plea as charged).
Michael Moyers, charged with six counts of meth manufacturing, delivery, sale, possession with intent, and three counts of violation of drug free school zone (bound over to Grand Jury).
Christopher Oxedine, charged with four counts of theft of merchandise (guilty plea as charged), four counts of theft of merchandise- shoplifting (dismissed).
Tommy Poole, charged with two counts of meth manufacturing, delivery, sale, and possession with intent (dismissed), meth manufacturing, delivery, sale, and possession with intent (guilty plea as charged), and possession of unlawful drug paraphernalia uses and activities (dismissed).
Kerry Quick, charged with driving while license revoked, failure to appear (guilty plea as charged), violation of registration law, and violation of financial responsibility law (retired).
Laura Rogers, charged with six counts of meth manufacturing, delivery, sale, and possession with intent, and three counts of violation of drug free zone, (bound over to Grand Jury).
Christopher Shaw, charged with simple possession/casual exchange (retired).
Delonius Smith, charged with theft (up to $1,000), simple possession/casual exchange (guilty plea as charged), possession of a handgun while under the influence (dismissed).
Jenna Stubblefield, charged with theft of merchandise-shoplifting (dismissed).
Ciera Syler, charged with driving while license revoked (guilty plea of a lesser charge).
Eric Garcia, charged with domestic assault (guilty plea of a lesser charge).
Sergio Sandoval, charged with driving without a license (guilty plea as charged), speeding (dismissed).
Alexander Sanjurjo, charged with driving without a license (guilty plea as charged), violation of motor vehicle light law, violation of financial responsibility law, and failure to appear (dismissed), and domestic assault (guilty plea of a lesser charge).